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About Me

As a child born in the 70s, Star Wars is awesome! Hence the inspiration for the blog name, TaTa Wars. I had never really blogged before, so cancer definitely inspired me to do something new!

I am happily married and have 2 amazing children. When I found out at 38 I had Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC), my kids were only 13 and 6. Going through Stage 3 cancer was brutal... chemo, radiation, lumpectomy, and now a life-long hormone therapy treatment and side effects.

Even after the main cancer treatments, I was still fighting... Lymphedema, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, & Arthritis. Each of these side effects occurred from various cancer treatments. Cancer does not necessarily end after it is "removed" or "remission" or "NED"... it can continue to affect your life in many ways.

It has been a journey, and I am so grateful to all my family and friends for their support and love.

I started the blog in 2013 as a way to not only to remember everything going on during my cancer treatment, but as a way to help others. For me, reading other stories from people going through cancer gave me hope and ideas on how to prevent, treat, and deal with side effects (hopefully). I only hope that my blog can do the same for you.

What's happihare?

happihare manages Amy Brock’s fine art and written works. amy brock fine art is a collection of abstract art, ranging from paintings to mixed media. Amy Brock has fine art for sale online and through commissioned works. Amy Brock is also an author, sharing her experience with cancer via her blog, tatawars. Inspired to help others, she has published a self-help book, Being Cancer Happy, available via LuLu. Amy is writing additional books to address the many issues faced by cancer survivors.

happihare's mission statement - to encourage happiness and create inspiration through written and visual works.

Blah. Blah. Blah. 

My Medical Report & Physical Transformation...

April 2013

April 17, 2013 - Felt lump in right breast
April 18, 2013 - Doctor's appointment with family physician
April 23, 2013 - Mammogram, Ultrasound, Biopsy
April 24, 2013 - Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
April 29, 2013 - Meeting with Breast Surgeon

May 2013

May 1, 2013 - First meeting with Oncologist
May 2, 2013 - PET Scan
May 7, 2013 - Meeting with Cardiologist
May 8, 2013 - EKG, Nuclear Stress Test
May 10, 2013 - Port Surgery
May 13, 2013 - MRI of the Chest
May 14, 2013 - Chemotherapy (AC)
May 15, 2013 - Neulasta Shot
May 28, 2013 - Chemotherapy (AC)
May 29, 2013 - Neulasta Shot

June 2013

June 1, 2013 - Hair Cut... time to be bald
June 11, 2013 - Meeting with Geneticist for Genetic Testing
June 11, 2013 - Chemotherapy (AC)
June 12, 2013 - Neulasta Shot
June 25, 2013 - Chemotherapy (AC)
June 26, 2013 - Neulasta Shot

July 2013

July 12, 2013 - CT Scan of Chest
July 22, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)
July 24, 2013 - Ultrasound of ovaries
July 29, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)

August 2013

Aug 5, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)
Aug 6, 2013 - Neulasta Shot
Aug 19, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)
Aug 26, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)

September 2013

Sept 3, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)
Sept 4, 2013 - Neulasta Shot
Sept 17, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)
Sept 23, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)
Sept 30, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)
Sept 30, 2013 - CT Scan of Chest

October 2013

Oct 1, 2013 - Neulasta Shot
Oct 14, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)
Oct 18, 2013 - Meeting with Radiologist Oncologist
Oct 22, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere)
Oct 28, 2013 - Chemotherapy (Taxotere) (final one)
Oct 29, 2013 - Neulasta Shot (final one)

November 2013

Nov 4, 2013 - MRI of Chest
Nov 6, 2013 - Breast Surgeon consultation for surgery
Nov 6, 2013 - Plastic Surgeon consultation for potential reconstruction
Nov 19, 2013 - Pre-admission surgery blood work
Nov 26, 2013 - Lumpectomy, Axillary Lymph Node Dissection, Port Removal

December 2013

Dec 6, 2013 - Breast Surgeon follow-up
Dec 13, 2013 - Oncologist follow-up
Dec 13, 2013 - Radiation Oncologist consulation
Dec 18, 2013 - Radiation Pre-work Scaning

January 2014

Jan 3, 2014 - Radiation Pre-work Scan
Jan 6, 2014 - Cardiologist appointment
Jan 6, 2014 - Radiation
Jan 7, 2014 - 24 hr heart monitor
Jan 7-10, 2014 - Radiation
Jan 13-17, 2014 - Radiation
Jan 20-24, 2014 - Radiation
Jan 27-31, 2014 - Radiation

February 2014

Feb 3, 2014 - Radiation Booster Pre-work Scans
Feb 3-7, 2014 - Radiation
Feb 6, 2014 - CT Scan of Neck
Feb 10, 2014 - Radiologist consult about Neck Lymph Node
Feb 10-11, 2014 - Radiation
Feb 13-14, 2014 - Radiation
Feb 14, 2014 - Neck biopsy - lymph node needle aspirations
Feb 17-21, 2014 - Radiation
Feb 24, 2014 - Radiation (final one)
Feb 24, 2014 - CT Scan of Chest
Feb 24, 2014 - MUGA Scan
Feb 27, 2014 - Follow-up with Nurse Practitioner

March & April 2014

Mar 3, 2014 - Start Tamoxifen (Hormone Therapy Pills daily for 10 years)
Apr 16, 2014 - GI Doctor
Apr 29, 2014 - Colonoscopy

May 2014

May 6, 2014 - Radiation Oncologist check-up
May 12, 2014 - Oncologist check-up
May 15, 2014 - Chest, Ab, Pelvic CT Scan
May 15, 2014 - Bone Scan
May 16, 2014 - Relay for Life (walking & surviving)
May 28, 2014 - Mammogram

June 2014

June 17, 2014 - Diagnosed with Lymphedema
June 21, 2014 - Relay for Life (walking & surviving... again)
June 24 & 26, 2014 - Occupational Therapy (OT) for Lymphedema
June 26, 2014 - Gynecologist - Ultrasound

July 2014

July 1 & 3, 2014 - OT
July 7, 2014 - Breast Surgeon check-up
July 9 & 11, 2014 - OT
July 14 & 16, 2014 - OT
July 21 & 23, 2014 - OT
July 24, 2014 - ENT (additional bilateral hearing loss since chemotherapy)
July 28 & 30, 2014 - OT
July 29, 2014 - Radiation Oncologist check-up

August 2014

Aug 4 & 7, 2014 - OT
Aug 6, 2014 - Gynecologist - Ultrasound
Aug 11 & 15, 2014 - OT
Aug 18 & 22, 2014 - OT
Aug 25 & 29, 2014 - OT
Aug 26, 2014 - Family Doctor

September 2014

Sept 2, 2014 - OT
Sept 4, 2014 - Oncology follow-up
Sept 8 & 12, 2014 - OT
Sept 9, 2014 - Breast Surgeon (Abnormal spot on breast)
Sept 15 & 19, 2014 - OT
Sept 16, 2014 - Punch Biopsy
Sept 22, 2014 - Family Doctor follow-up
Sept 22, 2014 - OT
Sept 24, 2014 - Radiation Oncologist (Review biopsy/abnormal spot)

October & November 2014

Oct 1 & 3, 2014 - OT
Oct 13 & 16, 2014 - OT
Oct 20 & 23, 2014 - OT
Oct 27 & 29, 2014 - OT
Nov 3 & 5, 2014 - OT
Nov 5, 2014 - GI follow-up
Nov 10 & 13, 2014 - OT
Nov 17 & 19, 2014 - OT

December 2014

Dec 1, 2014 - Mammogram (right breast only)
Dec 2, 2014 - Radiation Oncologist follow-up
Dec 2 & 4, 2014 - OT
Dec 4, 2014 - Chest, Ab, Pelvic CT Scan
Dec 4, 2014 - Bone Scan
Dec 9, 2014 - OT
Dec 10, 2014 - Oncology follow-up
Dec 12, 2014 - Family Doctor follow-up
Dec 15, 2014 - MRI (Brain)
Dec 16, 2014 - OT
Dec 22, 2014 - Gynecologist annual & follow-up
Dec 23, 2014 - Neurologist
Dec 30, 2014 - OT (final session)

January & February 2015

Jan 21. 2015 - Family Doctor (chronic pain)
Feb 4, 2015 - Neurologist (follow-up)
Feb 5, 2015 - Breast Surgeon (follow-up)
Feb 12, 2015 - Family Doctor (follow-up)

March 2015

Mar 11, 2015 - ENT (follow-up, new symptoms)
Mar 18. 2015 - Barium Swallow study (Upper Esophageal Sphincter, Dysphagia)
Mar 30, 2015 - Family (follow-up, new symptoms)
Mar 31, 2015 - Gyno (unusual female symptoms, infection)
Mar 31, 2015 - Sigmoidoscopy, GI (Inflammation, 3 Biopsies)

April & May 2015

Apr 2, 2015 - ENT Nasal Endoscopy (Deviated Septum, Narrowing in Throat)
Apr 14, 2015 - Oncologist (Nurse Practitioner, follow-up)
May 5, 2015 - Vanderbilt
May 12, 2015 - Nerve Study

June, July, August 2015

June 2, 2015 - Vanderbilt, Oncology visit
June 9, 2015 - Breast Surgeon (follow-up)
June 16, 2015 - Pain Mgt
June 25, 2015 - Vanderbilt, Mammogram
July 7, 2015 - Radiation Oncology (follow-up)
July 14, 2015 - Pain Mgt
July 29, 2015 - GI
Aug 3, 2015 - ENT
Aug 11, 2015 - Pain Mgt

November & December 2015
Nov 3, 2015 - Pain Mgt
Nov 18, 2015 - Vanderbilt, Mammogram
Dec 2, 2015 - GI follow-up
Dec 7, 2015 - Pain Injection Procedure
Dec 9, 2015 - CT & Bone Scan
Dec 12, 2015 - Oncology (follow-up)
Dec 23, 2015 - Breast Surgeon (follow-up)
Dec 29, 2015 - Pain Mgt
Dec 30, 2015 - Lung testing & Breast biopsy


OK... I was way behind... and I finally got to it. Since all of my specialist referred me to the pain doctor 2016 was more about resigning to pain management rather than seeking answers. After some frustrating Oncology appointments, I decided to take some time off from the doctors, and I avoided it for as long as I could... knowing I would figure it out in 2017!

Jan 6, 2016 - Pain Injection
Jan 18, 2016 - Oncology (follow-up)
Jan 26, 2016 - Pain Mgt
Feb 23, 2016 - Pain Mgt
Mar 30, 2016 - Pain Injections
Apr 18, 2016 - Pain Mgt
Apr 20, 2016 - Oncology (follow-up)
May 16, 2016 - Pain Mgt
June 22, 2016 - Pain Mgt
July 11, 2016 - Pain Mgt
July 12, 2016 - Vanderbilt, Mammogram
July 19, 2016 - Vanderbilt, Survivorship
Aug 8, 2016 - Pain Mgt
Aug 24, 2016 - Oncology (follow-up)
Sept 6, 2016 - Pain Mgt
Sept 23, 2016 - Pain Injection
Oct 11, 2016 - Pain Mgt
Nov 8, 2016 - Pain Mgt
Dec 2, 2016 - Pain Mgt
Dec 15, 2016 - ENT
Dec 19, 2016 - ENT
Dec 23, 2016 - Pain Injection
Dec 29, 2016 - Vanderbilt, Mammogram
Dec 30, 2016 - Pain Mgt


Jan 31, 2017 - Pain Mgt
Feb 28, 2017 - Pain Mgt
Mar 28, 2017 - Pain Injection
Apr 20, 2017 - Oncologist, New
Apr 25, 2017 - Pain Mgt
May 22, 2017 - Oncologist
May 23, 2017 - Pain Mgt
June 20, 2017 - Oncologist
June 27, 2017 - Vanderbilt, Mammogram
Aug 8, 2017 - Pain Mgt
Sept 18, 2017 - Oncologist
Sept 19, 2017 - Pain Injection
Oct 3, 2017 - Pain Mgt
Nov 15, 2017 - Pain Mgt
Nov 27, 2017 - Family Dr (Severe Potassium Deficiency, continual problem)
Dec 14, 2017 - ENT
Dec 19, 2017 - Pain Injection (new type of injection)

April 25, 2018 - Ultrasound - GYN (noticed issue with Endometrium)
May 2, 2018 - Biopsy - Endometrium Issues - Possible Pre-Cancer Growth
June 18, 2018 - Hysterectomy/Oophorectomy
August 28, 2018 - MRI
Sept-Nov 2018 - Acupuncture & Cupping Treatments

April 29, 2019 - Pap Smear (no signs of cancer)
July 19, 2019 - Bone Scan & Mammogram
October 18, 2019 - CT Scan
November 6, 2019 - CT Scan
November 15, 2019 - Colonoscopy
December 12, 2019 - Colon Follow Up

January 20, 2020 - CT Scan
May 4, 2020 - Pap Smear (no signs of cancer)
June 1, 2020 - Prolia
June 4, 2020 - Mammogram (no signs of cancer)
August 7, 2020 - MRE (Liver Imaging)
November 20, 2020 - Pain Injection
November 25, 2020 - Prolia Injection (

May 26, 2021 - COVID shot
May 24, 2021 - Pap Smear (no signs of cancer)
June 15, 2021 - Mammogram (no signs of cancer)
December 20, 2021 - Fall Injury (knee)
December 17, 2021 - MRI (knee)

Jan 2022 - COVID Booster
January 31, 2022 - Prolia Injection (Osteopenia)
May 6, 2022 - Sleep Apnea (CPAP)
June 8, 2022 - Mammogram (no signs of cancer)
July 12, 2022 - Echocardiogram
September 8, 2022 - Surgery - Gastric Sleeve

April-May 2023 - Fatigue and just feeling off - talked to all doctors
June 12, 2023 - Mammogram (no signs of cancer)
June 14, 2023 - Pap Smear (no signs of cancer)
August 14, 2023 - CT Scan because of Being Rear-Ended by Car (showed 2 Axillary Lymph Nodes on Left, Multiple Mesentery Lymph Nodes, Iliac Lymph Nodes, & Right Lung Nodule)
August 23, 2023 - PET Scan (Axillary Lymph Nodes showed activity - stated it looked autoimmune & least likely Breast Cancer)
September 1, 2023 - Ultrasound of Breast (noted not likely Breast Cancer)
September 6, 2023 - Biopsy of Axillary Lymph Nodes (left)
September 8, 2023 - DX New Primary Breast Cancer in Lymph Nodes (left - ER-, PR-)
September 11, 2023 - Genetic Testing (negative)
September 15, 2023 - MRI of Breast (note: Numerous Lymph Nodes 10+ affected & NO breast mass)
September 20, 2023 - DX Triple Negative Breast Cancer with NO Primary Tumor (left) 
September 22, 2023 - Breast Surgeon - Set Up Port Surgery
September 26, 2023 - Surgery - Port Procedure
September 27, 2023 - Oncologist Meeting - Treatment Plan
September 29, 2023 - Radiation Oncologist Meeting - Treatment Plan

And more to come...


  1. I would love for you to blog for us at Cure Diva I love your writing! XO I tried to send an email not sure if it went through :)

  2. Hi there, I'm Lindsey! I have a question and would love to speak with you. Could you please email me when you have a chance? Thanks so much, I look forward to hearing from you! lindseyDOTcaldwellATrecallcenterDOTcom


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