Episode LXXIII - Oh you gonna let it all hang out... Nothing says good morning like more colon prep juice. I was back holding my nose and drinking some funky lemon-lime mixture right after I got the kids off to school. Rather than re-hash an hour long drinkfest... I think my previous blog entry covered that concept at nausea!! My mother was on her way into town to take me to the procedure and having had multiple colonoscopies in the past gave, she gave me some good advice - make the drink slightly earlier and put it in the fridge to help with the taste... at least for a while. By the time she arrived, I had pretty much emptied out my system. The only fluid coming out my backside was pretty clear. On a positive, I was not hungry. Going to the bathroom that much made the idea of food repulsive. Before we left I got to open a wonderful surprise gift from one of my mom's friends... a Dammit Doll. They are hysterical, check it out here . I got a few swings in before we headed o
My saga is currently fighting Triple Negative Breast Cancer with NO Primary Tumor as well as surviving ER/PR+ Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in 2013. I have a twisted sense of humor and have tried to continue that laughter and optimism on my journey.