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Lymphedema Update

In case you haven't read in my previous blog posts, after I finished treatment I realized I had some unusual symptoms in my right arm. I did not immediately notice the swelling, but later found out that I did have swelling and lymphedema. Lymphedema can occur after breast cancer treatment and of course why would it skip me?!?!

Since lymphedema has no cure, I have been managing my symptoms diligently. I am going to Occupational Therapy twice a week - or - what I prefer to call my boobie massage (even though it is way more than that). I have been doing my own massages. I have been learning what triggers my swelling. It is another issue that I have to live with, so I am learning how to do it with my crazy up-beat attitude.

Learn some of my Lymphedema Tips - Click Here


As for having lymphedema with style, I have gotten a few medical compression sleeves & gauntlets. Currently I have to wear compression garments during my waking hours. Ok, I should wear them when I sleep but sometimes I opt not to (a girl needs a break every now and then). So I bought ones that are exceptionally comfortable... and fun! There are so many patterns and alternatives to the standard one color sleeve. I could not just settle for one. Plus, I have to wear them daily so like underwear you don't just have one pair!!!

Each one looks different and I have gotten so many compliments (and looks) from strangers. Usually people believe I have gotten a very large and detailed arm tattoo. I get the cool look of a tattoo, minus the hours of pain and permanent image. Now I get to choose whatever sleeve matches my outfit and I can change it up as I want to!

A Henna based design...

A colorful design but does not fade...

And one that is a medical alert as well as just funny to wear!

All of these sleeves I am wearing are from the same company, LympheDivas. They provide so many options and patterns that I had to share. Yes, the standard beige and black sleeves are out there (they have pink too), but if you have to wear something WEAR IT with style!

Check out LympheDivas - Click Here
