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Weekend Get-a-way

Episode LXXXIX - It's the eye of the tiger...

Let me just clarify this before I even start writing - I am a UTK fan... go Vols! However, I am the one one in the house... and am overrun by Auburn fans. I also cheer for Auburn, except when they play Tennessee. And I still love going Auburn football games, which we try to make one game each season. I missed last year - cancer treatment - but, this year we were going... even if I hurt!

I am not a crazy fan - where I cannot recognize other teams great plays. But I do scream at the TV like the team can hear me... cause they can. And I will move seats until they improve. So, I am a slightly crazy fan. My kids think I am crazy (but for many reasons). However, I appreciate the sport. So do not be throwing hate my way when you realize who I cheer for.

There is nothing like football season in the south (if you like football). And nothing like a going to a game and spending the weekend eating at local dives and feeling the excitement on campus. I love sharing that experience with my children. I hope it will instill a desire to want to go to college. To see some of the fun and privileges of continuing their education.

Eating out the night before...

As with any college traditions, you have to wear your school colors (thank goodness both TN and Auburn are orange... even if different shades). If you are lucky enough to spend the weekend in town you generally stay in the cheapest, closest hotel you can find and hope that the weather will be good. Normally, August games can be brutally hot so I was worried about my lymphedema. Fortunately for me the weather was hot, but not the normal Alabama heat that can be humid and sweltering.

Getting ready for some football...

Auburn has a beautiful campus. And I have seen many. While the campus is large, it has an intimate feel with well designed walking paths and beautiful green areas. The large brick buildings are beautifully constructed.

We made our way around Auburn visiting Toomer's Corner for lemonade and Tiger Rags for t-shirts. Of course, in our parental push encouraging education we stopped by the library, student center, and some actual classroom buildings... and made time for our traditional pictures at Samford Hall. The day would not be complete without lunch at Momma Goldbergs where we actually found a booth available. We looped the main drag multiple times just enjoying the pre-game excitement. I walked so much I was worried that my back and legs were going to just give out.

Family traditions... 

My daughter and I opted to go back to the hotel room instead of the game. I can only handle so much time up and on my feet. My arm was swollen, my back ached, and I really needed to lay down for a while. While I slowly (very slowly) made my way towards the car, the boys headed off to the game... ready to watch Auburn win... which they did!

We enjoyed our time in Auburn and even took a quick detour in Birmingham on our way home. Why not, I already hurt???

Silly fun at McWane Science Center... 

In my head...

Even during the most difficult times, fun can be made. No matter how I feel... no matter how bad it is... I choose to enjoy my life. And even though I feel cruddy or tired or sore or ill I want to enjoy the time with my family and continue to do as much as I can.

While I wrote little of my cancer or lymphedema or the fact that the weekend wore me out... I hope that this post shows that the joy of life and the memories we make are so valuable. Stepping away from the doctor's appointments, tests, and general blah of post-cancer treatment is refreshing... even if it is just a weekend get-a-way!!!

Episode Reference: Eye of the Tiger, Survivor song
I couldn't resist for the Auburn fans... 
and Go Vols!


  1. Glad you are sharing your optimism and normalcy with us! You inspire me!


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