Episode LIV - There she goes again... (Be warned - Some images of my surgery & healing shown... ) I woke up bright an early (4:50 am) so that I could shower with my "special" soap (which I also used the night before) to help disinfect my body and prevent post-surgical infections. Then I got to put on a tube (yes, a tube) of lidocaine cream over my nipple. I started in the center and slowly and circularly worked my way outside of the nipple. And since I have had negative results with my port - I covered it up good. Then I put a large piece of Press n' Seal Saran Wrap over my nipple and breast. Finally, putting my bra directly on so that I would make sure it stayed in place for then next few hours. Of course the day before surgery I was sitting in the doctor's office with my daughter who had a serious asthma attack and would require care the next day. My mom who was going to go with me had to remain home with her, so thank goodness my friend was still p
My saga is currently fighting Triple Negative Breast Cancer with NO Primary Tumor as well as surviving ER/PR+ Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in 2013. I have a twisted sense of humor and have tried to continue that laughter and optimism on my journey.