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The beginning of follow-ups...

Episode LXXXVI - don't stop!

Time for a follow-up radiation appointment. At least they are usually short and to the point...

The first part to any good follow up was to take vitals. So, I did the standard blood pressure, temperature, and weight pre-examination. A note to all nurses: please do the weight after the blood pressure. Seriously, it can create false blood pressure issues or at least in can in my mind! Of course my blood pressure was fine, so it did not happen to me: this time!!!

After a quick vitals check the nurse moved me back to a doctor's waiting room. Then she ask the standard questions: Medicine changes. Symptom issues. Nothing overly special to report, but I still made numerous jokes about any and all of these questions. It seem that all doctor's office have a standard set of questions. It seems I repeat the same thing to almost all of my doctor's so I should be good at answering these questions. Today things were the same as last time... I mean I was just here a few months ago.

After the nurse left I had to wait on the doctor. Some offices take forever... I mean FOREVER. My Radiation Oncologist has always been timely and appointments are pretty fast. So, it was only minutes before he got in room and re-asked me the same questions the nurse asked me a few minutes before.

Once we discussed all my "issues" I got a boob exam. That really consists of getting a visual once over to look at my skin. He examines what radiation did to my skin. Even though it is a different color now, I really think all of my hard work (see the tips page) worked. I seem to be healing well. Then it ends with a small breast exam to make sure there is nothing suspicious. My boobs look good!!!

Compared to my Oncologist, my Radiation Oncologist was talkative. He really wanted to know how I am and what issues I am having. Even though the appointments were quick, he was curious about my overall health. I think he must be an active problem solver... or cares!?!?!

In my head...

The appointment went well. Essentially, they did not see anything new or any major concerns. My skin was healing appropriately. I had no new lumps. Overall, a very successful doctor's appointment. I like these short and sweet visits!!!

I seem to be at the start of a lot of doctor's appointments. Between the OT for Lymphedema twice a week, cancer doctors, and other doctors I am constantly going somewhere for medical reasons. Of course my schedule is about to get more complicated as my children are about to start school again... I think it is going to be a busy few months!!!

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
- Confucius

Episode Reference: Don't Stop, Foster the People song


  1. Welcome back! I've missed reading your posts. I just completed my 15th radiation treatment today. Your "sick" sense of humor cracks me up...thanks for giving me a reason to smile today. Hope you're hanging in and living it up.


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